Why No Pit Is Too Deep for God to Redeem Us

Why No Pit Is Too Deep for God to Redeem Us by MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News

God reveals His divine nature within His Word. If we dig into the Scriptures, ask the Lord for revelation and seek Him with a sincere and trusting heart, He will bring beautiful revelation to our hearts of who He is.

God loves to make Himself known and to pour out His Spirit on His beloved ones. Are you seeking to know God more? Do you want to be immersed in rich revelation of who He is?

It’s time to crack open the Scriptures and draw near to God, because in turn, He promises to draw near to us.

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Psalm 107 is often overlooked and not spoken of regularly in the church today. It’s a wonderful psalm that highlights the rescuing and redeeming nature of God. No matter how rebellious we are, how lost we become or how broken we are, God can transform our hearts and circumstances from dark and dismal to bright and fruitful. Whatever the enemy means for evil, the Lord turns it around and uses it for our good and His glory.

Have you ever felt like you have sinned too much for God’s grace to redeem and reconcile you? Have you ever wondered if God can really shift your situation and turn your arid wasteland into a fruitful harvest field? God’s arm is not too short that He can’t save, and Psalm 107 expresses this reality phenomenally.

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